


ShirtBoy Custom Solutions

An Open And Shut Case


Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett, & Dunner LLP

Project Description

Custom Tech Kit

The law firm of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP, based in Washington D.C., has come to for custom products for more than 15 years now. With ten offices from London to Tokyo, their almost 300 attorneys are constantly on the move, practicing international intellectual property law around the globe.

They wanted a personalized item that facilitated the high-travel lifestyle of both their employees and clients. Looking around the marketplace, they settled on an electronic accessory kit—one that could make recharging multiple gadgets on-the-go a little simpler.

If you search for electronics kits on a standard customization site, you'll find many generic options. However, none of them had exactly the right mix of cables and plugs Finnegan was looking for.

Plus with prebuilt kits, the customization occurs only on the case—not on the products themselves. And, let's face it. With a kit like this, the items you're going to use get slots in your laptop bag or suitcase, and you either store or toss the rest, along with the case, never to be seen again.

The law firm of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP, based in Washington D.C., has come to for custom products for more than 15 years now.

Because we have connections in the global market, we sourced a variety of useful tech items, branded them with Finnegan's logo, and got our overseas partner in Shenzhen to package them together as a customized set. In the end we delivered precisely what they wanted 20% under budget. The jury's still out, but we think that's a win.

Let us help you build a custom product today

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